Push Message #
Functionality #
API for pushing messages, supports both text and image messages.
Interface Address #
Parameter Description #
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
text | String | Yes | Text content (can be empty when photo exists) |
photo | String | No | Image file or image link |
parseMode | String | No | Style of the text content, can be Markdown or HTML |
Usage Example #
# using get
# Push text message
curl -X GET https://pushbot.dev/message/{chatToken}?text=HelloWorld
# Push image
curl -X GET https://pushbot.dev/message/{chtToken}?photo=https://xxx.com/xxxxx.jpg
# using post
# Push text message
curl -d '{"text":"HelloWorld"}' -X POST https://pushbot.dev/message/{chatToken}
# Push image
curl -d '{"photo":"https://xxx.com/xxxxx.jpg"}' -X POST https://pushbot.dev/message/{chatToken}